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I am a foreign student: I would like information on enrolment in Bachelor’s or Master’s Single-Cycle Degrees
Ultimo aggiornamento 3 anni fa

The evaluation procedure of the foreign secondary school qualifications for the admission to Bachelor’s or Master’s Single-Cycle Degrees does not transform the foreign title into an Italian title, but it can ensure admission to University Degree courses provided that the foreign title has all of the following elements:

  1. It is an official final degree issued by a a secondary school of the foreign reference system;
  2. It is a title that, in the reference system, allows students to enroll in courses having a similar nature (e.g. from an academic point of view);
  3. It is a title obtained after at least 12 years of education;
  4. In case a national test or final examination is provided for, aimed to admission to secondary school education, such requirement must be met also for admission to Italian courses.
In case the secondary education qualification has been awarded at the end of a period of less than 12 years of education, students will have to submit, apart from the secondary school diploma, the following:

  • An academic certification attesting that all first-year University examinations have been successfully passed (in case the local educational system calls for 11 years of education), and for the first two years of University education in case the local educational system calls for 10 years of education);
  • OR the post-secondary qualification obtained in a Non-University higher education institution;
  • OR Certificates from other Italian universities regarding the completion of a foundation course which compensates for the years of missing education;
  • OR Certificates awarded in-house relating to the passing of foundation courses, including those of less than one academic year, which give adequate knowledge, competences and skills to attend the chosen course of study within the same institution.
For regulations pertaining to specific academic qualifications please see the attachments to the Ministerial Memo regulating the admission of Non-EU citizens

To enrol, candidates are required to submit the secondary school final degree, in original or “copia conforme” (copy that is declared to be equivalent to the original copy), or a replacement certificate for all legal purposes, together with comparability certificate and verification of the title performed by Cimea, Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (Information Center on Mobility and Academic Equivalences), in agreement with the Università degli Studi di Perugia.

Alternatively, they can submit, accompanying the final secondary education degree:

  • Official Italian translation of the qualification, legalization (if required) and “dichiarazione di valore in loco”, in original copy, by the Diplomatic/Consular representation pertinent for the territory in which the title was awarded;
  • OR official translation in Italian of the qualification, together with legalization (if required) and comparability certificate issued by ENIC/NARIC centers.
Single-cycle and Master Degree Courses can have either a limited/restricted admission policy (on a local or national basis) or an unlimited/open-to-all admission policy. In both cases, passing a verification test of the candidate’s preliminary competencies and knowledge is required.

To be granted admission the student must sit for:

  1. For non-EU students residing abroad: Italian language test (mandatory, except when the candidate is exempted);
  2. If the selected course has an open-admission policy: the test assessing the candidate’s competencies along with the possible Additional Learning Requirements (OFA - Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi) that can be ascribed to the student. Those must be fulfilled within the first year of the course (OFA tests may vary according to the Department of pertinence: detailed information is available on the Departmental website);
  3. If the selected course has a limited/restricted admission policy: the admission test

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