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I would like information on the documentation of foreign study qualifications for the University
Ultimo aggiornamento 3 anni fa

To gain admission to the selected study program and/or the recognition of periods of study abroad as well as of foreign degrees, foreign and Italian citizens holding a degree obtained abroad must submit the following documentation.

Students who wish to enrol in a Single-Cycle Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree programs
  1. Foreign secondary school final degree, in original copy or in copy declared to be equivalent to the original (copia conforme), together with the comparability certificate and verification of the degree issued by Cimea, Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (Information center on mobility and Academic equivalencies), in agreement with the Università degli Studi di Perugia (
    Alternatively, the following must be submitted, together with the secondary school final degree:
    • An official translation in Italian of the title, legalized (where required) and “dichiarazione di valore in loco” (local Declaration of Value), in original copy, by the Diplomatic/Consular representation that is competent for the territory;
    • Or an official Italian translation of the degree, legalized (where required) and comparability certificate issued by ENIC-NARIC centers.

    If the secondary school qualification has been awarded after less than 12 years of education, the following must be attached:
    • A certificate attesting the applicant’s academic studies specifying the examinations that have been successfully passed;
    • OR the post-secondary degree awarded by a non-University secondary institution;
    • OR the foundation course certificate.
  2. A certificate attesting that the applicant has successfully passed the academic eligibility test, if required for admission to University education in the country of origin.
Students wishing to enrol in Non-Single Cycle Master’s Degrees
  1. The academic qualification obtained at a foreign University or College-education institutions, in original copy or copy that has been declared equivalent to the original (copia conforme), or certificate legally valid for all legal effects, together with a comparability certificate and verification of the qualification, issued by Cimea, Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (Information center on mobility and academic equivalences), in agreement with the Università degli Studi di Perugia (
    As an alternative, the following must be submitted together with the academic qualification:
    • An official translation in Italian of the qualification, legalization (where required) and “dichiarazione di valore in loco” (local Declaration of Value), in original copy, by the Diplomatic/Consular representation that is competent for the territory;
    • Or an official Italian translation of the degree legalized (where required) and comparability certificate issued by ENIC-NARIC centers;
  2. A certificate issued by the pertinent University certifying all the examinations that the applicant has successfully passed (transcript) as well as, for each subject, the academic program required to obtain the aforementioned titles, together with the official translation in Italian (original copies in English, French and Spanish will be accepted). Post-Secondary studies (examinations and credits) can be attested by the “Diploma Supplement”, where adopted.
Translation and legalization of study documents
Where required, foreign study titles must be officially translated in Italian. Said translation can be made (on the applicant’s initiative) at a local courtroom by local translators (in this case it must be confirmed by the pertinent Italian representation), by official and sworn translators or by the diplomatic/consular representation of the country were the document has been issued (operating in Italy).

As for the legalization of academic degrees and certificates, that is required to ensure their authenticity, students will have to ask the pertinent territorial authority.Legalization is not required if the country where the title was awarded has signed the Hague convention (1961). Legalization is to be replaced, in this case, by Apostille. Furthermore, legalization is not required if the academic title has been awarded by an institution operating in the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Latvia (Brussels Convention, 1987), Germany (Rome Convention, 1969) or Austria (Wien Convention, 1975).

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