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I would like information on the recognition of foreign academic qualifications
Ultimo aggiornamento 3 anni fa

EU students, Non-EU students equalized to EU students, Non-EU students residing abroad (and applying for a Visa) and Italian students with a foreign academic qualification must obtain an official recognition of their academic qualification to be allowed to enroll. The recognition of both the candidate’s academic career and academic qualifications obtained at foreign Universitites or College-level Educational institutions and aimed at admission in two-year Master’s Degrees and continuation of said academic career at any level, must be thoroughly evaluated by the Board of Professors of the Degree. Said evaluation will be performed in compliance with the principles of equality, non-discrimination, transparency and with “comparability” criteria, as established by international agreements.

At the Università degli Studi di Perugia, the procedures for the issuance of the comparability certificate are managed by Cimea (Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche), that can be contacted directly by the candidates by filling out the online form, available at (

The application for the recognition of academic equivalence of a qualification obtained abroad with a correspondent University Degree awarded by the Università degli Studi di Perugia must be submitted to the “Ufficio Coordinamento Carriere Studenti della Ripartizione Didattica” (Office in charge of academic careers of enrolled students) within the same deadlines annually set for new enrolment procedures.

See: "DOCUMENTAZIONE DEI TITOLI DI STUDIO ESTERI" (Documentation pertaining to foreign academic qualifications).

In the absence of specific bilateral agreements regulating the equivalence between foreign and Italian degrees, the competent “Consiglio di Corso di Studio” (Board of the Degree) is to assess the application for the recognition of the foreign qualifications obtained abroad and can either approve:

  • The full recognition of the academic qualification, therefore awarding the corresponding Italian degree;
  • Or: - The partial recognition of the academic qualification with the possibility to enroll in a specific year of the degree course of the corresponding Italian study program, based on the number of recognized credits (Enrollment with Abbreviation of the Course)

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